Почему оставили на 120 ку масло 5-20 которое по сути вязкости такое же как 0-20 мне не понятно)))
В поисках инфы по PENNZOIL PLATINUM® 0W-20 я наткнулся на следующую инфу
1) It incorporates Pennzoil’s Active Cleansing Agents to help keep engines clean and the same
PENNZOIL PLATINUM® performance additives that provide unsurpassed wear protection (as measured in ASTM
Sequence IVA using SAE 0W-30 engine oil.)
2) With improved low temperature flow, the SAE 0W-20 carries the same minimum high temperature viscosity requirements as
the more familiar SAE 5W-20 specified for many Chrysler, Ford, Honda, and Toyota vehicles on the road today.
PENNZOIL PLATINUM® 0W-20 carries almost identical high temperature properties as Pennzoil® synthetic, synthetic
blend and conventional SAE 5W-20 oils. Combine this with a performance additive package delivering unsurpassed wear
protection (as measured in the ASTM Sequence IVA using SAE 0W-30), PENNZOIL PLATINUM® 0W-20 delivers
excellent protection for your vehicle.
3)SAE 0W-20 is an alternate for many vehicles listing SAE 5W-20 when temperatures are expected below –20°F.
Future Needs – both Honda and Toyota are expected to increase the requirements for SAE 0W-20 engine oils with Honda
making SAE 0W-20 oil use retroactive for most vehicles back to model year 2003
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